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CEGE students volunteer at Governor’s Hurricane Conference

A group of Florida Atlantic University civil engineering students hosted the Internet Café at the 2010 Governor’s Hurricane Conference.

For the past two years, Dr. P. D. Scarlatos, chair and professor of the department of civil, environmental and geomatics engineering, and Camille Coley, FAU assistant vice president of research, have been instrumental in coordinating this effort with the President of the American Society of Civil Engineers FAU Chapter, Stefanie Battistini. By volunteering, the students were able to attend some of the sessions and network with professionals involved with Hurricane and Disaster Management.

The event brought together several thousand emergency, government and industry leaders responsible for helping Florida prepare for and recover from the state’s extreme weather. FAU civil engineering students proved to be tremendously helpful and professional, "not hesitating to jump in and help with event setup," said Channing Rollo, of Florida Power & Light.

The Internet Café was a great success thanks to the hard work of dedicated FAU civil engineering volunteers: Stefanie Battistini, FAU ASCE Past President; Jehole Auguste; Celestino Martinez; Gustavo Aguilar, President FAU ASCE; Karina Da Luz; Claudia Olarte; Alex Lima; Alvaro and Borja Galletebeitia.

June 14, 2010

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