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FAU Professor Elected as a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute

D. V. Reddy, Ph.D., a professor in the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic University has been elected a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), one of the world's leading authorities on concrete technology.

Reddy is the Director of the Center for Marine Structures and Geotechnique with research interests in coastal/offshore structural and geotechnical engineering, concrete materials and structures, and fiber reinforced polymer composites.

The ACI Board of Directors confers the Fellow grade of membership on worthy candidates to recognize their outstanding contributions to the production or use of concrete materials, products, and structures in the areas of education, research, development, design, construction, or management. In addition, a Fellow shall have made significant contributions to ACI through committees and/or local chapters. A Fellow shall retain that membership rank as long as membership in the Institute is maintained or until elected an Honorary Member.

November 9, 2011

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