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FAU Alumnus Receives Honorary Doctorate


Ralph de la Vega graduated from FAU in 1974 with a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. Born in Cuba, de la Vega’s is the heart-warming story of a little boy, age 10, separated from his family by Cuban authorities, he arrived on American soil alone and without speaking English to overcome unthinkable odds to succeed and lead one of America’s most noteworthy blue chip companies. De la Vega assumed the role of President and CEO at AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets, a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) in 2007—it is the quintessential American success story.

De la Vega would be the first to say: "Look for opportunities in the obstacles" you face.

In his book, "Obstacles Welcome: How to Turn Adversity into Advantage in Business and in Life", de la Vega shares his inspirational journey beginning with those early days as a very young Cuban immigrant through his decision to complete an engineering degree to his leadership on the frontline of the converging fields of technology and communications with the merger of AT&T and BellSouth, which consolidated ownership of Cingular. Amazon.com says of Obstacles Welcome: It reads like an "innovation manifesto for those committed to bigger thinking and greater results both professionally and personally."

Florida Atlantic University awarded Ralph de la Vega with an Honorary Doctorate at commencement on December 8, 2011.

December 9, 2011

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