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College of Engineering and Computer Science Student's Win SOAR Awards

SOAR Award

The Council of Student Organizations and Student Involvement and Leadership hosts a Student Organization Awards and Recognition (SOAR) banquet each year to honor FAU's finest and brightest student leaders and student organizations. The student leaders and student organizations at FAU contribute to the quality of student life and education on campus.

The engineering honor society Tau Beta Pi (TBP) won the Student Organization Program of the Year for their work with the K-12 MindSET program. This award recognizes the special efforts the club developed, coordinated and implemented in putting the program together.

The mission of MindSET, the TBP National K-12 Math & Science Program, is to establish and support math and science intervention programs which contribute to enhanced preparation of students in the K-12 system, thus enabling them to qualify for the pursuit of careers in STEM disciplines, preparing them for competitive success in the global marketplace, and equipping them for driving the nation’s economy.

Stewart Baskin, the FAU TBP president, and an ocean engineering major in the College of Engineering and Computer Science received the award for TBP.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) won the New Student Organization of the Year. This award is designed to recognize and acknowledge the contributions made to the FAU community by a student organization officially recognized by FAU for the first time during the 2011-2012 academic year.

May 2, 2012

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