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FAU Professor Elected as a Fellow of the Knowledge Systems Institute

Taghi Khoshgoftaar, Ph.D., professor of computer science in Florida Atlantic University’s department of computer and electrical engineering and computer science has been elected to the honorable position of fellow of the Knowledge Systems Institute (KSI) for his contributions in software engineering, data mining and machine learning and leadership in computer science education and research.

Khoshgoftaar is the Director of the Data Mining and Machine Learning Laboratory and Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory. His research interests are in big data analytics, data mining and machine learning, health informatics and bioinformatics, and software engineering. He has published more than 500 refereed journal and conference papers in these areas. He was the conference chair of the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2012). He is the workshop chair of the IEEE IRI Health Informatics workshop (2013).  He is the Co-Editor-in Chief of the Big Data journal.  He has served on organizing and technical program committees of various international conferences, symposia, and workshops. Also, he has served as the North American Editor of the Software Quality Journal, and was on the editorial boards of the journals Multimedia Tools and Applications, Knowledge and Information Systems, and Empirical Software Engineering and is on the editorial boards of the journals Software Quality, Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Fuzzy Systems, and Social Network Analysis and Mining.

A KSI fellow is someone who has made significant contributions in science, engineering, technology education, industry, or society at large. KSI is a graduate school of computer and information sciences that was founded in 1978. The campus is located in Skokie, Illinois and is dedicated to training professionals in solving complex problems in science, business and engineering by employing advanced computer and information sciences methodologies.

Khoshgoftaar received the award after his keynote speech during the 25th annual International conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2013), held on June 29, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts.

July 2, 2013

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